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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Question and Answer Jokes , PJ question and answers ,

Q:  What's the difference between a teacher and a train?
A:  A teacher says "no chewing" and a train says "choo-choo"!

Q:  What do you call a lion tamer who sticks his right arm down a lion's
A:  Lefty!

Q:  What happens if you don't pay your exorcist?
A:  You get repossessed!

Q:  What kind of quiz do you give to a criminal?
A:  A con test!

Q:  Why aren't elephants allowed on beaches?
A:  They can't keep their trunks up!

Q:  What do you get when you cross a baseball player with a boy scout?
A:  Someone who likes to pitch tents!

Q:  How do you cut through waves?
A:  With a sea-saw!

Q:  What has teeth but can't chew?
A:  A zipper!

Q:  If a man smashed a clock, could he be accused of killing time?
A:  Not if the clock struck first!

Q:  What flowers do you wear all year long?
A:  Tulips (two-lips)!

Q:  What do cows give after an earthquake?
A:  Milk shakes!

Q:  When is a cowboy most like a pony?
A:  When he is a little hoarse!

Q:  Why do cowboys ride horses?
A:  Because the horses are too heavy to carry!

Q:  How many sides does a house have?
A:  Two!  The inside and the outside!

Q:  Why did the man sleep under the oil tank?
A:  So he would wake up oily in the morning!

Q:  A giant had three tongues!  How did he remove two of them?
A:  He took off his shoes!

Q:  Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
A:  Because he didn't have any guts!

Q:  What's the difference between a Timex dealer and a prison gaurd?
A:  One sells watches, one watches cells!

Q:  Why does Dracula consider himself an artist?
A:  He likes to draw blood!

Q:  What game do ghost children like to play?
A:  Peek-a-BOO!

Q:  What do you call a short, sun-burned outlaw riding a horse?
A:  Little Red Riding Hood!

Q:  Why are men better with a beard than without?
A:  FUR lots of reasons!

Q:  What was the octopus couple's favorite song?
A: I want to hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, (ad nauseum)

Q:  Why are potatoes considered stupid?
A:  At parties they always hang around with the dips!

Q:  Where did the brontosaurus go for the summer months?
A:  To the dino-shore!

Q:  Why is a room full of married people really empty?
A:  There isn't a single person in it!

Q:  Why didn't the grizzly wear any shoes?
A:  Because he wanted bear feet!

Q:  What did one knife say to the other?
A:  "My, YOU'RE looking sharp today!"

Q:  What would happen if an ice cream cone picked a fight with Jesse
A:  The ice cream cone would get licked!

Q:  Why did the cowboy put a whistle in his ten-gallon hat?
A:  So he could blow his top!

Q:  What do you call Jesse James When he has the flu?
A:  A sick shooter!

Q:  What do you get if you cross a monster and an owl?
A:  An animal that scares people and doesn't give a hoot!

Q:  If 1 is love and 2 is hate, what are 3 and 4?
A:  Seven!

Q:  When do you use a shovel to eat?
A:  When you really dig in!

Q:  What's the best way to see flying saucers?
A:  Trip the waiter!

Q:  What do you get if you cross a vampire with an Egyptian mummy?
A:  A flying Band-Aid!

Q:  Who was the biggest monarch in history?
A:  King Kong!

Q:  Why didn't the skeleton ask his girlfriend to the dance?
A:  He didn't have any guts!

Q:  What did one arithmetic book say to the other?
A:  "I have a lot of problems!"

Q:  Do rabbits use combs?
A:  No, they use harebrushes!

Q:  What did one wall say to the other wall?
A:  "I'll meet you at the corner!"

Q:  What is a kangroo's favorite year?
A:  Leap year!

Q:  What's a good name for a straigh-back camel?
A:  Humphrey!  *Get it?*

Q:  If a King sits on gold, who sits on silver?
A:  The Lone Ranger!

Q:  Why did the outlaw carry a bottle of glue when he robbed the
A:  So he could stick up the passengers!

Q:  What does a train do when an outlaw chases it?
A:  It makes tracks!

Q:  Why did the cowboy brush his teeth with gunpowder?
A:  So he could shoot off his mouth!

Q:  What kind of figures do the most walking?
A: Roamin' numerals!

Q: What is the difference between the North and South Pole?
A: All the difference in the world!

Q: Guess who I saw today?
A: Everybody I looked at!

Q: Why is an engaged woman like a telephone?
A: Because they both have rings!

Q: Why was the mummy sent into the game as a pinch hitter?
A: With a mummy at bat, the game would be all wrapped up!

Q: What kind of horses frighten rangers?
A: Night Mares!

Q: Did you know Popeye was a sweet potato?
A: Well, he does say, "I Yam what I Yam"!

Q: Where does the Lone Ranger take his trash?
A: To the dump, to the dump, to the dump, dump, dump!

Q: Did you hear about the coach that flooded the gym?
A: He wanted to send in a sub!

Q: Why are birds poor?
A: Because money doesn't grow on trees!

Q: What drives a baseball batter crazy?
A: A pitcher that throws a screwball!

Q: Why is a scrambled egg like a losing ball team?
A: Because both are beaten!

Q: What do you get if you cross a big bell and an outlaw?
A: A Gongster!

Q: What do you call a lazy butcher?
A: A Meat-loafer!

Q: What is the first thing you put into a room?
A: Your feet!

Q: What is a sound sleeper?
A: Someone who snores!

Q: What does a cowboy say to his horse after a 100 mile ride?
A: Whoa!

Q: What part of a cowboy's outfit is the saddest?
A: His blue jeans!

Q: What is a monter's favorite necklace?
A: A choker!

Q: What kind of fur do you get from an outlaw?
A: As fur as you can get!

Q: What is the safest way to talk to an outlaw?
A: By long distance!

Q: What do you call an outlaw with cotton stuffed in his ears?
A: Anything you want!  He can't hear you!

Q: Why do postmen carry letters?
A: Because the letters can't go anywhere by themselves!

Q: How do you make friends with a computer?
A: Bit by bit!

Q: Who always goes to bed with shoes on?
A: A horse!

Q: Why is a toupee like a secret?
A: Because you keep it under your hat!

Q: Why are potatoes so afraid of Indians?
A: They don't want to get scalloped!

Q: What kind of music did the cowboy make when he threw a stone in the
   Rio Grande?
A: Plunk rock!!!!!

Q: Why did the cowboy saddle up the phonograph record?
A: He wanted to be a disk jockey!

Q: What did the victim say when the outlaw stuffed a dirty piece of
   cloth in his mouth?
A: That's an old gag!

Q: What was Billy the Kid's favorite subject in school?
A: Triggernometry!

Q: Who pulled the biggest holdup in history?
A: Atlas--he held up the whole world!

Q: What do you call an outlaw armed with four loaded revolvers?
A: Sir!

Q:  What happens when you throw a green rock in the red sea?
A:  It gets wet!

Q:  Why shouldn't you tell a secret to a pig?
A:  Because it is a squealer!

Q:  Where do frogs sit?
A:  On toadstools!

Q:  If a man were born in Greece, raised in Spain, came to America,
    and died in San Francisco, what is he?
A:  Dead!

Q:  Why did the man have to fix his car horn?
A:  Because it didn't give a hoot!

Q:  Why did the nutty kid throw butter out of the window?
A:  He wanted to see a butter fly.

Q:  Why did the nutty kid throw a glass of water out the window?
A:  Because he wanted to see a water fall!

Q:  What paper makes you itch?
A:  Scratch paper!

Q:  What can you break without touching it?
A:  Your promise!

Q:  A man was driving a black truck with the lights out.  There was no
    moon.  A lady was crossing the street.  How did he see her?
A:  It was daytime!

Q:  What animal makes the most of its food?
A:  The giraffe.  It makes a little go a long way!

Q:  What is the weather always like in Mexico?
A:  Chili today, hot tamale!

Q:  What time is the same spelled backwards or forwards?
A:  Noon!

Q:  What do you get if you cross an insect and a rabbit?
A:  Bugs Bunny!

Q:  Why aren't there any stories about beds?
A:  They haven't been made up yet!

Q:  What did the tree say to the woodpecker?
A:  You bore me!

Q:  What color was Napoleon's white horse?
A:  duh.

Q:  When do you put a clock in the oven?
A:  When you want to have a hot time!

Q:  What ten letter word starts with g-a-s?
A:  Automobile!

Q:  If you want to get rich, why should you just shut up?
A:  Because silence is golden!

Q:  What can be drawn without any drawing utensil?
A:  Breath!

Q:  What goes around a yard but doesn't move?
A:  A fence!

Q:  What is a calf after it is six months old?
A:  Seven months old!

Q:  What kind of fruit has a short temper?
A:  A crab apple!

Q:  What kind of watch is best for people who don't like time on
    their hands?
A:  A pocket watch!

Q:  What always comes into the house through the keyhole?
A:  A key!

Q:  What has four legs and a back but no body?
A:  A chair!

Q:  What kind of electricity do they have in Washington?
A:  D.C.!

Q:  What did the man do when he got a big gas bill?
A:  He exploded!

Q:  What is the best day to go to the beach?
A:  On a Sun Day!

Q:  How can you tell the difference between a can of chicken soup and a
    can of tomato soup?
A:  Read the label!

Q:  What trees come in two's?
A:  Pear Trees!

Q:  What insect runs away from everything?
A:  A Flee!

Q:  What does Brazil produce that no other country produces?
A:  Brazillians!

Q:  What people are like the end of a book?
A:  The Finnish!

Q:  Who never gets his hair wet in the shower?
A:  A bald man!

Q:  What did the light say to the girl?
A:  Turn me on!

Q:  What did the big chimney say to the little chimney?
A:  You're too young to smoke!

Q:  Why do firemen wear red suspenders?
A:  To keep their pants up!

Q:  Who can marry a lot of wives and still be single?
A:  A minister!

Q:  Why do we buy clothes?
A:  Because we can't get them free!

Q:  If six people and two dogs were under an umbrella, why didn't
    any of them get wet?
A:  Because it wasn't raining!

Q:  What piece of wood is like a king?
A:  A ruler!

Q:  What did the muffler say to the car owner?
A:  "Boy, am I exhausted!"

Q:  Why did the window pane blush?
A:  It saw the weather strip!

Q:  Where do crying children go?
A:  To the bawl park!

Q:  What has fifty heads and fifty tails?
A:  Fifty pennies!

Q:  When is the vet busiest?
A:  When it rains cats and dogs!

Q:  What is the difference between a bus driver and a cold?
A:  One knows the stops, the other stops the nose!

Q:  What do you call a sick crocodile?
A:  An illigator!

Q:  If you fell of a ladder, what would you fall against?
A:  Against your will!

Q:  Why shouldn't you make fun of fat people?
A:  Because it's not nice to poke fun at someone's expanse!

Q:  If an apple a day keeps the dentist away, what will an onion do?
A:  Keep everyone away!

Q:  Where do squirrels go when they go insane?
A:  To the nut house!

Q:  What do you have if your head is hot, your feet are cold, and you
    see spots in front of your eyes?
A:  You probably have a polka-dotted sock over your head!

Q:  When do you have acute pain?
A:  When you own a pretty window!

Q:  When was medicine first mentioned in the Bible?
A:  When moses recieved the two tablets!

Q:  What happened when the dog swallowed the watch?
A:  He got a lot of ticks!

Q:  How did the kid get a flat nose?
A:  He was told to keep it to the grindstone!

Q:  What is the healthiest kind of water?
A:  Well water!

Q:  What is the perfect cure for dandruff?
A:  Baldness!

Q:  What did the dentist say to the golfer?
A:  You have a hole in one!

Q:  What do you get if you put your hand in a pot?
A:  A potted palm!

Q:  What happened when the icicle landed on the man's head?
A:  It knocked him cold!

Q:  Where do animals go when they lose their tails?
A:  To a retail store!

Q:  What did the doctor say to the patient when he finished the
A:  That's enough out of you!

Q:  How can you tell if you are cross-eyed?
A:  When you see eye-to-eye with yourself!

Q:  How can you tell if you are cross-eyed?
A:  Try looking in a mirror!

Q:  What is the best way to cure acid indigestion?
A:  Stop drinking acid!

Q:  What did the farmer use to cure his sick hog?
A:  Oinkment!

Q:  What do you call a person who doesn't have all his fingers on one
A:  Normal.  Most people have their fingers spread over two hands!

Q:  What happened to the horse that swallowed a dollar bill?
A:  He bucked!

Q:  How was the blind carpenter able to see?
A:  He picked up his hammer and saw!

Q:  How can you tell if a bucket is not well?
A:  When it is a little pail!

Q:  What do you call a sheep that is covered in chocolate?
A:  A Hershey baaa!

Q:  How do you make an eggroll?
A:  Push it!

Q:  Why is it dangerous to do math in a cannibal's den?
A:  Because if you add 4 and 4, you get ate!

Q:  What is a pie in the sky?
A:  A flying pizza!

Q:  Why did the farmer plant sugar cubes?
A:  Because he wanted to raise cane!

Q:  Why did the woman eat bullets?
A:  Because she wanted her hair to grow in bangs!

Q:  Do ministers ever use operator assistance?
A:  No.  They always go parson to parson!

Q:  Why did the orchestra have bad manners?
A:  It didn't know how to conduct itself!

Q:  What do you call a crazy pickle?
A:  A daffy dill!

Q:  What do ghosts eat for lunch?
A:  Boo-loney sandwiches!

Q:  What does the Swamp Thing like for desert?
A:  Marsh-mellows!

Q:  What kind of eggs does an evil chicken lay?
A:  Deviled eggs!

Q:  What hired killer never goes to jail?
A:  The exterminator!

Q:  What is a boxer's favorite drink?
A:  Punch!

Q:  Which hand should you use to stir tea?
A:  Neither.  Use a spoon!

Q:  What is small, purple, and dangerous?
A:  A grape with a machine gun!

Q:  What gun does a police dog use?
A:  A dogmatic!

Q:  Where do tough chickens come from?
A:  From hard-boiled eggs!

Q:  How do you tell when a bell is obedient?
A:  If it only rings when tolled!

Q:  What kind of food do brave soldiers eat?
A:  Hero sandwiches!

Q:  What is stolen candy?
A:  Hot chocolate!

Q:  What do well behaved young lambs say to their mothers?
A:  Thank ewe!

Q:  What is the last thing you eat before you die?
A:  You bite the dust!

Q:  What do you get if you cross an elephant with a Boy Scout?
A:  A real big uniform!

Q:  What is the grossest kind of cookie?
A:  A snicker-doo-doo!

Q:  What happens to evil pigs?
A:  They become deviled ham!

Q:  Why did the turkey cross the road?
A:  To get to Mexico, where they don't celebrate Thanksgiving!

Q:  What do mice wear to school on gym day?
A:  Squeakers!

Q:  Why did the elephant put ketchup in his navel?
A:  Cause he wanted eat French Fries lying down!

Q:  Why didn't the Mad Scientist allow the sick eagle in his laboratory?
A:  Because it was illeagle! *get it?*

Q:  Why did the mad scientist put an elastic band around his forehead?
A:  So he could stretch his imagination!

Q:  How do cowboys watch t.v. when they're out on the range?
A:  By saddle lights!

Q:  What do you call a cat who eats a lemon?
A:  A sourpuss!

Q:  Who is bigger:  Mr Bigger or his baby?
A:  Mr. Bigger's baby is a little Bigger!

Q:  How many seconds are in a year?
A:  12 - January 2nd, February 2nd...

Q:  How does Santa Claus take care of his yard?
A:  With a hoe, hoe, hoe!

Q:  What did the envelope say when the boy licked it?
A:  Nothing - it shut up!

Q:  First you see a red mill.  Then there's a walk at the end.   Then
    there's a key.  What is it?
A:  Milwaukee!

Q:  What is a monster's favorite team?
A:  The Giants!

Q:  What American has the largest family?
A:  George Washington - He's the Father of our Country!

Q:  Did you hear about the fight in the Candy Store?
A:  Two suckers got licked!

Q:  What state in the U.S. is the happiest?
A:  Merry Land!

Q:  What did the candles say to the birthday cake?
A:  These birthdays really burn me up!

Q:  Why did the orange stop in the middle of the road?
A:  Because it ran out of juice!

Q:  Why do flies walk on the ceiling?
A:  If they walked on the floor, someone might step on them!

Q:  What is a foreign ant?
A:  ImportAnt!

Q:  Why do hippies study the stars?
A:  Because they are so far out!

Q:  Why did the farmer put rusted out cars in his garden?
A:  He wanted to raise a bumper crop!

Q:  How can you eat an egg without breaking its shell?
A:  Ask someone else to break it!

Q:  Why does a baby duck walk softly?
A:  Because it is a baby and can't walk, hardly!

Q:  What helps keep your teeth together?
A:  Toothpaste!

Q:  What brings the monster's babies?
A:  Frankenstork!

Q:  Did you hear the story about the Peacock?
A:  It's a beautiful tail!

Q:  What bugs are good at math?
A:  Mosquitos: they add to misery, subtract from fun, and multiply fast!

Q:  Why did the mouse want to move?
A:  She was tired of living in a hole in the wall!

Q:  How can you tell a cat that likes rain?
A:  Because when it rains it purrs!

Q:  Why do bees hum?
A:  Because they don't know the words!

Q:  Who settled in the West before anyone else?
A:  The Sun!

Q:  What is a distant relative?
A:  Someone who is not living with you!

Q:  What is the biggest ant?
A:  An ELEPHant!

Q:  What is smaller than an ant's mouth?
A:  An ant's dinner!

Q:  How can you spell too much with just two letters?
A:  XS!

Q:  What is the hottest part of a man's face?
A:  His sideburns!

Q:  What fish has the lowest voice?
A:  A bass!

Q:  When was beef at its highest?
A:  When the cow jumped over the moon!

Q:  What person is always yelling?
A:  The I Scream Man!

Q:  What kind of theif has to be really strong?
A:  A shoplifter!

Q:  What kind of house weighs the least?
A:  A Lighthouse!

Q:  What is the hardest thing about learning to roller skate?
A:  The ground!

Q:  What coat has the most sleeves?
A:  A coat of arms!

Q:  What fruit has been known since man invented the calendar?
A:  Dates!

Q:  What is purple and 5,000 miles long?
A:  The Grape Wall of China!

Q:  Why do we dress baby girls in pink and baby boys in blue?
A:  Because they can't dress themselves!

Q:  Where can you always find health, wealth, and happiness?
A:  In the dictionary!

Q:  Why is the dictionary dangerous?
A:  Because it has Dynamite and Arsenic in it!

Q:  A man who worked in a butcher shop was 6 feet tall, had red hair,
    and wore size 11 shoes.  What did he weigh?
A:  Meat!

Q:  How does a coffee pot feel when it is hot?
A:  Perky!

Q:  What did the two vampires do from midnight to 12:10?
A:  They took a coffin break!

Q:  What do people in England call little black cats?
A:  Kittens!

Q:  Why did the man put his money in the refrigerator?
A:  To make some cold cash!

Q:  How do you make a Venetian blind?
A:  Poke a finger in its eye!

Q:  What is a stupid flower?
A:  A Blooming Idiot!

Q:  Why do lions eat raw meat?
A:  Because they don't know how to cook!

Q:  Why do lions eat raw meat?
A:  Because they can't light their Coleman stove!

Q:  Why do lions eat raw meat?
A:  Because they have to much trouble fitting it on the shishkebab!

Q:  Why do lions eat raw meat?
A:  Because the stove is broken!

Q:  What can you do with old bowling balls?
A:  Give them to elephants to shoot marbles!

Q:  Dogs have fleas.  What do Sheep have?
A:  Fleece!

Q:  Did Adam and Eve ever have a date?
A:  No, they had an apple!

Q:  What do you call a Volkswagon filled with cookies?
A:  Farfignewton!

Q:  What is a bulldozer?
A:  Someone who sleeps while a polititian is making a speech!

Q:  Where do trees keep their money?
A:  In branch banks!

Q:  If cheese comes on top of hamburger, what comes after cheese?
A:  Mice!

Q:  If cheese comes on top of hamburger, what comes after cheese?
A:  The cheese police!

Q:  Where do fish keep their money?
A:  In river banks!

Q:  Where do Eskimos keep their money?
A:  In snowbanks!

Q:  Where do hogs keep their money?
A:  In piggy banks!

Q:  Where do vampires keep their money?
A:  In blood banks!

Q:  Where do mummies swim?
A:  In the Dead Sea!

Q:  What is the best way to eat spaghetti?
A:  Well, first open your mouth....

Q:  What happened when Abel died?
A:  He became Unable!

Q:  What did the little light bulb say to its mom?
A:  I wuv you watts and watts!

Q:  Why do wallets make so much noise?
A:  Because money talks!

Q:  What happens to a refrigerator when you pull the plug?
A:  It loses its cool!

Q:  How many skunks does it take to make a big stink?
A:  A phew!

Q:  What does an invisible baby drink?
A:  Evaporated milk!

Q:  What runs around all day and then lies under the bed with
    its tongue hanging out?
A:  Your shoe!

Q:  What did King Kong say when he saw the Statue of Liberty?
A:  "Hi, mom!"

Q:  What lottery did the broom win?
A:  The sweepstakes!

Q:  Why does a chicken lay an egg?
A:  Because if she dropped it, it would break!

Q:  Why do you always start to walk with the right foot first?
A:  Because when you move one foot, the other is always left behind!

Q:  When do you swallow your words?
A:  When you eat alphabet soup!

Q:  What is the difference between a greedy person and an electric
A:  One takes the most and the other makes the toast!

Q:  Is it better to write on a full or an empty stomach?
A:  Neither.  You'll find that paper works best!

Q:  What kind of bird is always around when there is anything to eat
    or drink?
A:  A swallow?

Q:  Why are identical twins like a broken alarm clock?
A:  Because they are dead ringers!

Q:  Why don't scarecrows have any fun?
A:  Because they are stuffed shirts!

Q:  How do you make a cigarette lighter?
A:  Take out the tobacco!

Q:  How do you make notes of stone?
A:  Rearrange the letters!

Q:  What kind of umbrella did Louis XII carry in the rain?
A:  A wet one!

Q:  Why does the stork stand on one leg only?
A:  If he lifted it, he would fall down!

Q:  What is the difference between a banana and a bell?
A:  You can only peal a banana once!

Q:  What invention allows you to see through walls?
A:  A window!

Q:  Why can it be said that whales talk a lot?
A:  Because they're always spouting off!

Q:  What can a whole apple do that half an apple can't?
A:  It can look round!

Q:  When is a man not a man?
A:  When he turns into an alley!

1 comment:

  1. These are some good ones. I will use them. Thank you.
